
Playoff Picture Update

by The Executive Director

In lieu of Winners & Losers this week, we bring you a playoff picture update:

East Division
The Big Hurt is in the catbird’s seat right now, with a $400 lead. However, that pesky Rick Moranis still has his wild card bet, though sources say he will be shy to use it if a playoff berth is on the line. OJ and Art Schlichter still have an outside shot at the division but would need a lot of help.

North Division
It’s been a back and forth race all season for T-Ferg and Gordon Bombay. Currently T-Ferg has a $200 lead. Both franchises have their wild card bets. The Beard of Zeus rose up the standings this week and still could have a chance if those two stumble.

South Division
Thine has it all but locked up, barring a miraculous run these last two weeks by Dr. Oge, or if Thine has a Don Mattingly-esque run of picking games and falters.

West Division
Kenny Powers is in great position, but Chris B. Corey is not far behind. There’s a lot to be decided in the West since The People’s Champ, Mr. Marbles, Bayonnaise, and Chalky Studebaker all still have their wild card bets.

Overall Title
Thine leads right now, but T-Ferg and Gordon Bombay will definitely have their say in the final outcome. Kenny Powers and The Big Hurt could grab the regular season crown with a strong finish as well.

Wild Card Standings
It will be a crazy final two weeks for the six non-division winning playoff spots. There are many big bets still available, so it will come down to the wire. Right now, Patrick Bateman, who is tied with three other franchises at $1,400, is missing out on making the playoffs by the winning percentage tiebreaker.


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