
Updated Standings:

Chris B. Corey$300
The People’s Champ$300
Teddy KGB$200
Gordon Bombay$0
Blossom Russo-$200

Commentary: With both home teams losing outright on Sunday, everything seemed to even out in the playoff race. Chris B. Corey played the conservative route last week, betting all four games, and remained tied for the lead. But because of the Giants winning, everyone is still within earshot of first place, making this weekend very crucial.

Bonus Commentary: A lot of this week’s betting strategy will also be taken into account with possible Super Bowl bets in mind. The following are the rules for betting the Super Bowl. Please note that we will be using the point spread from the Wednesday BEFORE the Super Bowl as the official line (January 30), not next Wednesday’s line (since there is a week off in between). Thus, next week there will be an email update, but no point spread. And now the rules:

Rule 10 Part III

Playoffs will be bet the same as the Regular Season, except for the Super Bowl:

Normal fine rules will apply.

For the Super Bowl, a franchise must bet either $100, $200, $300, $400 or $500 AND submit the following three (3) tiebreakers (in whole numbers, without ½ points or yards):

Actual winner of the game (without line)

By how many points (without line)

Total official offensive yardage of the winning team as reflected on the official NFL web site.

So, you can bet anywhere from $100-$500 on the Super Bowl, giving a majority of the teams a good chance to win or be in the top three. As stated before, the tiebreaker in the playoffs is not percentages, it comes down to these three tiebreakers (in order). The betting sheet the morning of the Super Bowl will detail all of these bets. You’ll see these rules again in the email before the week before the big game, but the ability to bet as much as $500 on the Super Bowl will no doubt affect strategy this week.


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