
(Editor’s note: The 2011 winner, The People’s Champ, has graciously contributed some wisdom as we kick off the 2012 season. His message is below.)


As the 2011 FMFL champion it is my honor to welcome you to the 2012 FMFL season. I’ve seen this league grow from the early days of 2007 when The Executive Director calculated the scores manually (and most of the time correctly) to the current iteration of the FMFL with a website, power rankings, and various weekly commentaries. Throughout all the change though there has been one constant: the dominance of The People’s Champion. As the league’s most successful franchise and it’s only two-time champion, it’s my duty to share some of my wisdom to kickoff the 2012 season. Without further ado here are three simple tips to improve your 2012 season:

  1. Avoid fines- fines will kill you. Any franchise with a history of receiving fines must seek out Bayonnaise and understand what mysterious force he used to go from the most-fined franchise in the FMFL to a perfect record last year.
  2. Always get submit your picks after The Executive Director has emailed his picks in. Otherwise he will analyze your picks and adjust his accordingly. (Ed. Note: This statement is the opinion of The People’s Champ, who consistently has been unable to defeat Karl Farbman in any of their regular season side-bets.)
  3. Most importantly, always, without-fail bet on the New York Giants. They will lead you to the promised land.

Let the 2012 FMFL season begin. Good luck and Godspeed.



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